Croydon Public School

In all things be prepared.

Telephone02 9747 5457


The AGM is held every February.  This meeting provides annual reports by the President, Treasurer and Subcommittee chairs.  The Treasurer also provides the full audited financial reports of the P&C.

Office bearers are elected as per the time frames set out in the P&C by-laws.  All roles are advertised prior to the AGM.  Any member of the school community can be nominated for these roles.  When a person is elected into a role they will be provided with handover and support from previous members.  The P&C Federation also provides assistance and information.  You need to be a P&C member prior the AGM to accept a role.

These roles include:

The President

·       Provide leadership and chair meetings

·       Act as P&C spokesperson/representative

·       Foster good communication between P&C, parents, school and community

·       Be accountable for staff and operations

·       Encourage participation and inclusiveness

·       Oversee HR and business operations

Two Vice-presidents

·       Provide support to the President and other executive members as required

·       Chair meetings in the Presidents absence

·       Foster good communication between P&C, parents, school and community

The Treasurer

·       Ensure compliance with P&C accounting manual and other regulations

·       Prepare the annual budget

·       Manage financial statements

·       Pay accounts and maintain asset register

·       Monitor wages and account management

·       Ensure accounting is open and transparent

The Secretary

·       Prepare agendas and minutes of meetings

·       Communication with all members

·       Maintain register of correspondence

·       Maintain members register

·       Organise, record and maintain documents

·       Assist with other administration requirements of the P&C

Subcommittee Chairs:

·       Social and fundraising Chair

·       Canteen Chair

·       Uniform Shop Chair

If you have any questions or would like further information on any of the office bearer roles, please contact: