Croydon Public School

In all things be prepared.

Telephone02 9747 5457


The philosophy of our canteen is to serve healthy, fresh food to our children to assist with their learning and wellbeing at school.  The NSW Health Department has strict guidelines in place to ensure canteens serve healthy food and we are proud to have a ‘Healthy School Canteen’ certificate.  A large percentage of our food is homemade so you know your children are getting healthy, fresh, in-season food. 

We serve over-the counter recess items to Stage 2 & 3 students and lunch items to the whole school.

Croydon PS Canteen is a P&C operated canteen, managed by the paid Canteen Manager and Assistant and staffed by volunteers from our school community.

The canteen is open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 2pm and lunch can be ordered everyday of the week.

Our lunch items can be ordered via the easy to use Flexischools app or website  All orders must be placed online before 9.30am.  The orders are packed into your child's class canteen basket and distributed by the teachers. You can still order the old fashioned way with the brown paper bag, but a lot of parents find Flexischools a convenient way to order.

One of the great things about our school is our vast cultural diversity. We have a "Taste Of" event once per term where our amazing parents volunteer their recipes and time to cook a range of cultural treats.  We have had Turkish, Korean, Italian, Greek, Indian, Lebanese, Japanese and our annual Dads Rock the Canteen BBQ.

As we are a volunteer run canteen, we are always looking for help!  If you can spare a few hours or a whole shift, we would love to have you.  A typical canteen shift is 9.30am – 2pm and involves sorting and preparing lunch orders, serving children at recess and lunch, washing/tidying up and being part of your school community.  We understand you are all busy so we welcome your help for a few hours or half a shift – whatever you can do.  Our Supervisors are very friendly and helpful so you will find it a fun day and your children will love seeing you behind the counter!!

If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about our canteen please email us at