Croydon Public School

Quality and challenging educational opportunities for all.

Telephone02 9747 5457

Uniform Shop

The Croydon Public School Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday & Thursday from 8:45am to 9:15am. It is operated by the P&C and is run by volunteers. All profits are returned to the P&C for the benefit of the school community. This is a valuable method of raising funds for the school while maintaining the quality and affordability of our school uniform.

The Uniform shop is located in the administration building, directly opposite the main reception. Online orders can be placed via our website: A complete list of available items and pricing is available on our webpage.

Second hand uniforms are also available for purchase through the uniform shop. Families are welcome to donate uniforms. These need to be in good condition and must be items previously purchased from the Croydon Public School uniform shop.

As a guide, summer uniform is worn during Terms 1 and 4. Winter uniform is worn during Terms 2 and 3.

Sports uniform is worn by all year groups on their allocated sports day. The sports day will be communicated by the class teacher. School bags and library bags are also available.

We endeavour to make purchasing uniforms easy and convenient, and we are happy to help with sizing. Preferred payment method is card, but cash is also accepted for over the counter purchases.

The uniform shop is always looking for new volunteers, so if you have some free time on either a Tuesday or Thursday morning please email us at:


When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.

Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community have input into the school uniform to ensure that it:

· meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation

· includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics

· is appropriate for the full range of school activities

· is suitable for all body shapes Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy .

K-6 Boys

· Summer Uniform – maroon shorts with crested polo shirt

· Sports Uniform – maroon shorts with crested polo shirt, sports shoes

· Winter Uniform – long pants (gabardine or track pants) with long sleeve crested polo shirt. Maroon crested zip jumper or wet weather jacket.

· Black shoes and black socks

· School hat

K-6 Girls

· Summer Uniform – summer dress or skort/shorts with crested polo shirt

· Sports Uniform – crested polo shirt with skort/shorts, sports shoes

· Winter Uniform – winter dress with long sleeve crested polo shirt or girls pants with long sleeve polo shirt. Maroon crested zip jumper or wet weather jacket.

· Black school shoes and black socks or black stockings

· School hat

School tracksuit pants and jumper can be worn on sports days in colder weather. No hat equals play in the shade as per the Sun Protection policy. Please ensure you label all your child’s personal belongings especially hats and jumpers.