What is Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)?
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based whole school systems approach to behaviour management that actively teaches and reinforces positive behaviour. It enables students to be very aware of our expectations for their behaviour, and allows teachers to deliver consistent responses. With PBL, students clearly know what is expected of them, and therefore they have more opportunities to experience success in meeting those expectations.
Our expectations
Our school-wide expectations are represented with a chameleon mascot. Chameleons can change colours and adapt to new situations, and the four expectations we have decided on as a community are represented by different colours. We expect our students to be:
Active Learners
Our expectations are made clear to students, teachers and parents and are displayed around the school. Expectations PLAYGROUND (pdf 287 KB)Expectations GENERAL (docx 643 KB)

How does PBL work?
Each fortnight we have a focus expectation, as well as a weekly focus area. For example, in Weeks 1 and 2 we are learning to be RESPECTFUL. In Week 1 we are learning to be RESPECTFUL during MORNING LINES and in Week 2 we are learning to be RESPECTFUL in all areas.
A PBL lesson is delivered in every class in the school each Monday.
Positive behaviour that is consistent with our expectations is openly reinforced and rewarded.
Our award system is linked to our expectations and is consistent across the school. PBL Award System (pdf 688 KB)
PBL at home
Parents and carers can choose to encourage positive behaviour at home by teaching and reinforcing the same expectations learn about at school. You may find our home expectations matrix a helpful way to do this. PBL Home Matrix (docx 14 KB)